YouTube Monetization

Adsense And YouTube Partner Program

Bumper ads and Sponsored cards
Bumper ads

A Bumper ad is a short video ad format that has a maximum duration of 6 seconds. It plays before, during, or after a viewer's selected video and cannot be skipped. According to YouTube, bumper ads are designed to help brands reach a wider audience, boost brand recall, and increase message frequency.

  • Bumper ads contribute to an average 30% lift in brand awareness and a 9% lift in ad recall .

  • Bumper ads work best when combined with other ad formats, as they help reinforce the advertiser's message .

  • Do: Keep the message simple, direct, and deliver it within the first few seconds.

  • Don't: Try to cram too much information into 6 seconds. Focus on one central idea or message.

Sponsored cards

Sponsored cards are an interactive and discreet advertising format that can appear in YouTube videos. They show up as small teasers, which can be clicked or tapped to reveal additional information about the advertised product or service. Sponsored cards are designed to help creators generate revenue by promoting relevant products and services within their content.

  • Sponsored cards deliver a 7% higher click-through rate (CTR) compared to other ad formats .

  • They produce 11% more revenue per impression for YouTube creators .

  • Do: Choose products and services that are relevant to your content and audience. This increases the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

  • Don't: Overcrowd your video with too many sponsored cards, as it may result in a poor user experience and lower engagement rates.

By leveraging bumper ads and sponsored cards effectively, YouTube creators can not only drive higher engagement, but also diversify their revenue streams and make their content more appealing to potential sponsors. Understanding these ad formats and best practices can be a crucial step towards mastering the YouTube ecosystem.

Display ads and Overlay ads

Display Ads

Display ads are a type of ad format that can appear on the right-hand side of YouTube's desktop video watch pages. These ads can be in image or GIF format and can be a static or animated image. Here are some key points to keep in mind while creating display ads:

  • Dimensions: 300x250 pixels
  • File formats: JPEG, PNG, or GIF
  • Supported devices: Desktop only
  • Available targeting: By placement, keyword, topics, and audience
  • Frequency capping and exclusions are available
  1. Keep your ad and visuals high-quality and professionally designed
  2. Ensure a clear call-to-action (CTA) is visible
  3. Use the available targeting options strategically to reach the desired audience
  4. Test multiple ad variants for better performance
  1. Don't use low-resolution images or unclear visuals
  2. Don't use text-heavy ads that become difficult to read at a smaller size
  3. Avoid using complex animations or visuals that are not meaningful

Overlay Ads

Overlay ads are another ad format that can appear as a semi-transparent banner on the bottom 20% of a YouTube video, appearing on both desktop and mobile devices. Overlay ads use textual and/or visual elements to make your ad stand out. Here's an overview of overlay ads:

  • Dimensions: 480x100 pixels (for desktop) or 320x50 pixels (for mobile)
  • File formats: JPEG, PNG, or GIF
  • Supported devices: Desktop and mobile devices
  • Available targeting: By placement, keyword, topics, and audience
  • Subject to YouTube's Overlay Ads Quality Guidelines
  1. Keep your ad and visuals simple and clear, considering the smaller ad space
  2. Use a strong, short, and relevant message or CTA
  3. Ensure any text is legible on both desktop and mobile devices
  4. Test different messages and ad variants to determine the best-performing ads
  1. Don't clutter the ad with too many elements or text
  2. Don't use overly bright colors that might disrupt the viewer experience
  3. Avoid placing critical information near the edges of the ad, as it may be covered by video controls or cut off on certain devices

By strategically using display and overlay ads, you can effectively reach your desired audience and enhance your YouTube advertising campaign. If you're looking to improve your skillset on YouTube content creation, consider exploring resources like online courses and educational resources to learn more about how to make YouTube videos.

Overview of YouTube Ad Types

As part of your YouTube strategy, understanding the various ad types available on the platform is essential. In this section, we'll provide a comprehensive overview of the different ad formats, their features, pros and cons, as well as some best practices to optimize your advertising experience.

TrueView Ads

TrueView ads are the most common ad format on YouTube. They are designed to give viewers a choice, allowing them to skip the ad after 5 seconds if they are not interested in the content. TrueView ads come in two formats:

In-Stream Ads

In-stream ads play before, during, or after a viewer's selected video. Advertisers are charged on a Cost-Per-View (CPV) basis, meaning you only pay when a viewer watches at least 30 seconds of the ad (or the entire ad if it's shorter) or clicks on the ad.

Discovery Ads

Discovery ads, previously known as In-Display ads, appear as a thumbnail and text alongside search results, in YouTube's "Related Videos" section, or on the homepage of the YouTube mobile app. Advertisers are charged when viewers click on the thumbnail, leading them to watch the ad or the promoted video.

Bumper Ads

Bumper ads are 6-second, non-skippable videos that play before a viewer's selected video. These ads aim to capture the viewer's attention quickly and convey a concise message. Bumper ads are charged on a Cost-Per-Thousand (CPM) basis, meaning you pay for every 1,000 ad impressions.

Non-skippable In-Stream Ads

Non-skippable in-stream ads can last up to 15 seconds and appear before, during, or after a viewer's selected video. As their name suggests, viewers are unable to skip these ads. This format is charged on a CPM basis.

Sponsored Cards

Sponsored cards are a type of ad format that offers a non-intrusive way for advertisers to promote relevant products or content. They appear as small clickable icons within a video, and when clicked, expand into a larger card containing more information.

Masthead Ads

Masthead ads appear at the top of the YouTube homepage and showcase a prominent ad placement with additional media components, such as video and images. This ad format is usually reserved for high-budget advertisers and is charged on a flat fee (per day) basis.

Overlay Ads

Overlay ads are semi-transparent banner ads that display at the bottom of a video, covering approximately 20% of the video frame. They are available to desktop users only and are charged on a Cost-Per-Click (CPC) basis.

Here are some general do's and don'ts to consider when planning and managing your YouTube ad campaigns:

  • Do: Choose the appropriate ad format based on your goal and target audience.
  • Do: Test different ad formats and targeting strategies to find the best combination for your brand.
  • Do: Measure and analyze ad performance to improve your campaigns.
  • Don't: Rely on just one ad format or creative – diversify your advertising efforts for the best results.
  • Don't: Overload your viewers with ads – ensure a balance between ad frequency and viewer experience.

Ad Types and Formats > Skippable and Non-skippable video ads

Skippable Video Ads

Skippable video ads, also known as TrueView in-stream ads, are a type of YouTube ad format that allows viewers to skip the ad after the first 5 seconds if they wish to do so. Advertisers only pay for the ads when viewers watch at least 30 seconds or the entire ad (if it's shorter than 30 seconds), or when viewers interact with the ad (e.g., click on a call-to-action).

  • 76% of viewers skip ads by default.
  • Viewers are 2x more likely to watch skippable video ads if they feature elements from the main content.


  • Keep your ad concise and engaging to retain viewer attention.
  • Use the first 5 seconds wisely to hook viewers.
  • Include strong call-to-actions or interactive elements to encourage clicks.


  • Extend your ad unnecessarily to fit the 30-second mark, as skippable ads can be any length.
  • Rely solely on visuals; include audio to engage viewers.

Non-skippable Video Ads

Non-skippable video ads, also known as pre-roll or mid-roll ads, don't allow viewers to skip the ad. These ads can be up to 15 seconds long, and advertisers pay every time the ad is played.

  • Non-skippable video ads have higher view-through rates compared to skippable ads.
  • Viewers are 3x more likely to pay attention to non-skippable ads versus skippable ads.


  • Keep your ad short and sweet, as it can't be longer than 15 seconds.
  • Deliver a clear message, since you have limited time to convey information.
  • Test different ad variations to see which has the best performance.


  • Overload your ad with too much information, as it may confuse viewers.
  • Use clickbait tactics that don't relate to your content, as this can mislead viewers and lead to poor engagement.

For more in-depth information and strategies on creating effective YouTube videos, check out this article on how to make YouTube videos.

Complying with Rules and Guidelines

  1. Requirements and Restrictions
  2. Resources
  3. Copyright Infringements
  4. Inappropriate Content
  5. Misleading Metadata
  6. Spam and Deceptive Practices
  7. SubSub and Fake Engagement

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Touch Technology Review's How-to
Watch Complying with Rules and Guidelines Tips
Touch Technology Review

Adhering to AdSense Policies and Restrictions

Requirements and Restrictions

(image: AdSense Guidelines overview/photo)

  • Ensure your content is original and adheres to copyright laws.
  • Avoid content that is sexually explicit, contains hate speech, or promotes violence or discrimination.
  • Do not promote illegal activities, drugs, or gambling.
  • Make sure no content is offensive or inappropriate for general audiences.
  • Maintain the technical quality of video and audio.
  • Comply with YouTube's Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.

(image: YouTube monetization checklist)

  • Focus on creating content that is advertiser-friendly.
  • Abide by all YouTube and AdSense policies.
  • Take the time to involve yourself in educational resources, like online courses, to understand how to make YouTube videos that attract advertisers.
  • Regularly review and update your content to ensure it remains compliant with policies.
  • Use royalty-free music and stock footage to create high-quality content.
  • Don't publish content that is crude, offensive, or controversial.

  • Avoid using copyrighted materials without the necessary permissions.

  • Do not use clickbait or misleading thumbnails and titles.

  • Refrain from engaging in spam, scams, or other malicious practices.

  • Do not manipulate or inflate views, likes, or subscribers.

  • Educational videos and tutorials

  • Lifestyle and beauty content

  • Product reviews and unboxing videos

  • Travel vlogs and documentaries

  • Family and pet-related content


(image: Resource logos)

By adhering to these AdSense policies and restrictions, you can ensure that your YouTube channel remains advertiser-friendly and continues to grow in popularity and profitability.

Avoiding Common Policy Violations and Pitfalls

As a YouTube content creator, you should prioritize complying with YouTube's rules and guidelines to ensure the longevity of your channel. This section outlines common policy violations and pitfalls that you should avoid when producing content.

Copyright Infringements

One of the most common policy violations is using copyrighted material without permission. Infringing on others' copyrighted work can result in your video being taken down and even lead to a YouTube copyright strike.


  • Use original content or content that you are authorized to use
  • Use royalty-free music, sound effects, and stock footage
  • Provide proper attribution to any content used under creative commons licenses


  • Use copyrighted music, video clips, or images without permission
  • Monetize content that uses copyrighted material without the necessary rights

Inappropriate Content

Another common policy violation involves producing content that violates YouTube's community guidelines. Behaviors such as harassment, hateful content, promoting violence, and displaying explicit content can lead to video removals or channel termination.


  • Familiarize yourself with YouTube's community guidelines
  • Create content that promotes a positive environment and upholds YouTube's guidelines


  • Use hate speech, racist slurs, or other harmful language
  • Publish explicit or sensitive content without considering YouTube's policies

Misleading Metadata

Misleading metadata, such as using false titles, tags, and descriptions, manipulates YouTube's algorithms and deceives viewers. YouTube penalizes those who engage in these practices, as they harm the platform's integrity.



  • Use clickbait or misleading titles to attract views
  • Use unrelated tags and descriptions to manipulate YouTube's algorithms

Spam and Deceptive Practices

Creators should avoid engaging in spam and deceptive practices, which may include posting repetitive content, using bait-and-switch tactics, or scamming viewers. These actions can lead to account termination.


  • Offer valuable content and honest interactions with your audience
  • Address any issues related to spam brought to your attention


  • Advertise get-rich-quick schemes or other scams
  • Use fake traffic generation services to inflate views

SubSub and Fake Engagement

Subscribers gained through Sub4Sub practices or purchasing fake engagement are against YouTube's policies. They can negatively impact your channel's overall performance and compromise your credibility with your audience.


  • Adapt strategies that grow your YouTube channel organically
  • Engage with your audience to encourage natural subscription growth


  • Exchange subscriptions with other creators as a means to inflate your subscriber count
  • Buy fake views, likes, or subscribers

To avoid common policy violations and pitfalls, it's crucial to stay updated on YouTube's rules and guidelines and be vigilant when creating and publishing content. Understanding and adhering to these policies will play a significant role in your channel's long-term success.

As a leading platform for content creators, YouTube offers various monetization opportunities to its users. One of these is the YouTube Partner Program (YPP), which enables creators to earn money from ads displayed on their videos. However, to be eligible for monetization and to ensure a positive experience for both creators and advertisers, it is essential to comply with YouTube's Ad-Friendly Guidelines.

Overview of Ad-Friendly Guidelines

YouTube's Ad-Friendly Guidelines provide specific rules for content that is suitable for monetization, ensuring advertising revenue remains accessible to as many creators as possible. These guidelines include:

  • Inappropriate Language: Avoid using excessive profanity, slurs, or discriminatory language.
  • Violence and Graphic Content: Limit the display of violent or gory imagery, unless it is meant for educational or documentary purposes.
  • Adult Content: Sexual content, nudity, or explicit discussions on sexual topics are generally not allowed.
  • Harmful or Dangerous Content: Do not promote activities that can cause harm, injury, or distress.
  • Hateful or Discriminatory Content: Avoid promoting hate speech, discrimination, or other intolerant behavior.
  • Drugs and Controlled Substances: The promotion, use, or sale of illegal drugs and other controlled substances is not allowed.
  • Terrorism and Extremism: The promotion or glorification of terrorism and extremist ideologies is strictly prohibited.

To ensure your YouTube content is ad-friendly and compliant with the guidelines, follow these best practices:


  • Make content that is educational, engaging, and entertaining for a broad audience.
  • Review your video content for any potentially problematic material before uploading.
  • Use discretion when discussing sensitive topics or incorporating controversial elements.
  • Keep track of YouTube's updates and changes to their policies and guidelines.


  • Don't create content solely for shock value or to provoke a dramatic reaction.
  • Don't attempt to monetize content that violates any of YouTube's guidelines.
  • Don't engage in clickbait tactics or employ deceptive practices for promotion.
Tips for Maximizing Ad Revenue

To make the most of YouTube's ad revenue opportunities, consider these suggestions:

  1. Optimize your video titles, tags, and descriptions: Ensure your metadata is accurate, relevant, and follows YouTube SEO best practices to increase your video's visibility.
  2. Improve audience engagement: Encourage viewers to like, comment, and share your videos to increase engagement, which can lead to higher ad revenue.
  3. Monitor video performance: Regularly check your YouTube Analytics to identify trends and make data-driven decisions about your content strategy.
  4. Diversify your income streams: Explore other monetization options, such as affiliate marketing, Patreon, and merchandise sales.

YouTube's Ad-Friendly Guidelines provide a clear framework for creators to follow in order to make the most of their monetization opportunities. By understanding and complying with these rules, you can create content that appeals to viewers and advertisers alike, ensuring your success on the platform. And if you're looking for more ways to grow your channel, be sure to check out other resources for YouTube creators.

Eligibility and Enrollment in the YouTube Partner Program

  1. Maintaining Eligibility and Reapplication
  2. The basics of the YouTube Partner Program
  3. What is Google AdSense?
  4. Partner Program and AdSense

 Photo -  Eligibility and Enrollment in the YouTube Partner Program

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Maintaining Eligibility and Reapplication

Maintaining Eligibility

Once you have been accepted into the YouTube Partner Program (YPP), it's important to maintain your eligibility to ensure continuous access to the program's benefits. Keep in mind the following aspects of ongoing eligibility:

  1. Monetization Criteria: Ensure your channel meets YouTube's monetization criteria, including having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months.

  2. Adherence to Policies: Consistently follow YouTube's Community Guidelines, Terms of Service, and copyright policies. Channels that receive too many policy violations may lose their eligibility for YPP.

  3. Active Channel Management: Actively engage with your audience by regularly uploading new content and replying to comments to maintain a strong presence on the platform.

  4. Content Quality: Produce high-quality, original content that adds value for your viewers and adheres to YouTube's content guidelines.

  5. Communication with YouTube: Always stay updated with YouTube's announcements and notifications through the YouTube Creator Studio dashboard and YouTube newsletters.

Reapplication for the YouTube Partner Program

If your channel falls out of compliance with the eligibility requirements or is removed from the YPP due to violations, you may be eligible to reapply. Here's what to consider when reapplying:

  1. Review Eligibility Requirements: Carefully review and understand the eligibility requirements for the YPP, including monetization criteria, content guidelines, and policies.

  2. Fix Issues: Identify and resolve any issues that led to your channel being removed or losing eligibility. This may include removing or updating content that violates YouTube's guidelines or policies.

  3. Wait Period: YouTube typically requires a 30-day waiting period before you can reapply for YPP. This time can be used to improve your channel's compliance and make necessary changes.

  4. Reapply: Once the waiting period is over and any issues have been addressed, submit your application through the YouTube Creator Studio. YouTube will review your channel to ensure it meets the eligibility requirements.

  5. Be Patient: The review process for reapplying to YPP can take several weeks. Continue to focus on producing quality content and engaging with your audience during this time.

By understanding and adhering to YouTube's eligibility requirements and policies, as well as regularly maintaining your channel, you can ensure your ongoing participation in the YouTube Partner Program and continue to grow your audience and revenue.

Eligibility and Enrollment in the YouTube Partner Program

Requirements for eligibility

Eligibility for the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) is essential for creators looking to monetize their content and grow their channels. This comprehensive guide will outline the requirements for eligibility, ensuring creators are knowledgeable about the necessary steps to join and succeed in the YPP.

a) Numerical requirements
  • 1,000 subscribers: A minimum of 1,000 subscribers is required to join the YPP. This number helps ensure that creators have an established audience for their content.

  • 4,000 watch hours: Creators must have a minimum of 4,000 public watch hours in the past 12 months to be eligible. Watch hours demonstrate an engaged and invested audience, which is crucial for advertising revenue.

b) Policy compliance

Creators must adhere to YouTube's monetization policies, which include following the Community Guidelines, Terms of Service, and Google AdSense Program policies. Furthermore, creators need to ensure they comply with copyright laws to avoid receiving a YouTube copyright strike.

c) Adsense account

Every creator aiming to enroll in the YPP must have a linked and approved AdSense account. AdSense manages the revenue generated through the program, and creators should carefully read and follow its policies, terms, and conditions.

d) Location

The YPP is available for creators in specific locations. YouTube maintains a list of these eligible countries, which creators should refer to before applying.

e) Evaluation

Lastly, to confirm eligibility, YouTube will evaluate the creator's channel for compliance with YPP policies and guidelines. This process can take a few weeks, during which creators should continue building their audience and following the platform's policies.

For more guidance on producing high-quality content and optimizing your videos, check out our resources on how to make YouTube videos and successfully grow your channel.

Eligibility and Enrollment in the YouTube Partner Program

The Application Process and Timeline
  • The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) requires a minimum of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time within the past 12 months to be eligible.

  • 95% of YouTube channels do not meet these YPP requirements.

  • Creator retention rate on YouTube is about 10% after their first year.

Requirement Threshold for Eligibility
Subscribers 1,000
Watch Time (Past 12 Months) 4,000 Hours

Eligibility requirements for the YouTube Partner Program:

  1. Minimum of 1,000 subscribers
  2. Minimum of 4,000 hours of watch time within the past 12 months
  3. Adherence to YouTube's monetization policies
  4. Channel must be active and have no active strikes or restrictions


  1. Create engaging, high-quality content
  2. Consistently upload videos to increase watch time and subscribers
  3. Promote your channel on social media to grow your audience
  4. Collaborate with other creators for increased visibility
  5. Monitor and respond to comments to establish a loyal audience


  1. Purchase subscribers or watch time (YouTube will detect and disqualify your channel)
  2. Violate YouTube's community guidelines or receive a copyright strike
  3. Neglect your channel (regular uploads are essential to maintaining and growing your audience)
  4. Focus solely on meeting YPP requirements (Create content that you're passionate about)
  5. Engage in negative behavior towards other creators or viewers

 Photo -  Introduction to Adsense and YouTube Partner Program

YouTube Creators's How-to
Watch Introduction to Adsense and YouTube Partner Program Tips
YouTube Creators

The basics of the YouTube Partner Program

The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) is a platform that allows creators to monetize their content and earn revenue from ads served on their videos. To become a part of this program, creators need to meet specific requirements, such as having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months.

Partner Program Requirements
  • At least 1,000 subscribers
  • 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months
  • Compliance with YouTube's monetization policies and community guidelines
Monetization Features

Once a creator meets the requirements and is accepted into the YPP, they can start monetizing their content. Some of the monetization features available through the program include:

  • Ad revenue: Earn revenue from display, overlay, and video ads.
  • Channel memberships: Offer channel memberships to your subscribers for a recurring monthly fee.
  • Super Chat and Super Stickers: Allow fans to pay to have their messages highlighted during live chat on livestreams.
  • YouTube channel memberships: Offer exclusive content and perks to subscribers for a monthly fee.
  • Merchandise shelf: Showcase and sell your merchandise directly on your YouTube channel.


  • Create high-quality, original content.
  • Engage with your audience and respond to comments.
  • Follow YouTube's monetization policies and community guidelines.
  • Stay up-to-date with recent changes and updates to the YouTube Partner Program.
  • Diversify your income streams by exploring other monetization options, such as affiliates marketing and sponsorships.


  • Don't use copyrighted materials without permission or proper licensing.
  • Don't create content that violates YouTube's policies, such as harmful or hateful content.
  • Don't click on your own ads or encourage others to do so.
  • Don't engage in spammy practices or manipulate your video metrics.
How to Apply for the YouTube Partner Program
  1. Sign in to your YouTube account.
  2. Navigate to the YouTube Studio.
  3. In the left-hand menu, click on the "Monetization" tab.
  4. Click "Apply Now" and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the application process.

Please note that your application will be reviewed, and you will be notified of YouTube's decision via email. If you meet all the requirements and follow their policies and guidelines, you should be accepted into the Partner Program.

What is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is an advertising platform that allows content creators to earn money by displaying ads on their websites, blogs or, in our case, YouTube videos. Advertisers pay Google to promote their products or services, and Google shares a portion of that revenue with the publishers hosting the ads, such as YouTube creators.

Google AdSense is responsible for displaying various ad formats, such as display ads, video ads, and sponsored cards. The revenue generated from these ads is typically based on either cost per click (CPC) or cost per thousand views (CPM).

Partner Program and AdSense

The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) allows creators to monetize their content through various means, one of which is serving ads on videos. To participate in YPP, a creator must meet specific requirements, such as having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the previous 12 months. Upon meeting these requirements, the creator can apply for the program and link their Google AdSense account.

Once a YouTube partner, the creator can enable ads on their content and earn a share of the revenue generated by the ads. The exact percentage of revenue shared with creators varies, but YouTube generally retains 45% of the ad revenue, with the remaining 55% going to the creator.

Here are some essential do's and don'ts to keep in mind while using Google AdSense to monetize your YouTube videos.


  1. Only enable ads on original content, ensuring you have all necessary rights and permissions.
  2. Choose the ad formats that are most relevant to your audience and provide the best user experience.
  3. Regularly review your ad performance and optimize your videos for maximum revenue.
  4. Keep your account information up-to-date, including payment and contact details.
  5. Ensure your content complies with both YouTube and AdSense policies.


  1. Don't click on your ads or ask others to do so, as this violates AdSense policies and can result in account suspension.
  2. Don't place ads on videos containing copyrighted material without proper permission.
  3. Don't use deceptive practices to increase ad revenue, such as misleading video titles or thumbnails.
  4. Don't monetize content that violates YouTube's Community Guidelines.

By understanding and utilizing Google AdSense, creators can tap into a valuable revenue stream and turn their passion for video creation into a sustainable source of income. To further develop your skills as a YouTube creator, consider exploring how to make YouTube videos and educating yourself on YouTube best practices.

Optimal Video Monetization Strategies

  1. Balancing User Experience and Monetization
  2. DO
  3. DON'T

 Photo -  Optimal Video Monetization Strategies

Optimal Video Monetization Strategies

Balancing User Experience and Monetization

Understanding the relationship between monetization and user experience is crucial to developing an effective strategy. Here are some essential stats:

  • 70% of viewers say YouTube makes them feel more positively about brands that create content they enjoy. (source: Ipsos)
  • 91% of 18-34-year-olds are regularly engaging with creators on YouTube. (source: Nielsen)
  1. A scale with "User Experience" on one side and "Monetization" on the other.
  2. An image highlighting a user engaging with a creator's content while showing relevant revenue streams (e.g., ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandise sales).
  • Do's

    1. Create engaging and high-quality content that provides value to your audience.
    2. Develop a content schedule that allows you to maintain consistency and quality while incorporating monetizable content.
    3. Employ multiple revenue streams, such as ads, sponsorships, merchandise, and memberships, to diversify income sources.
    4. Utilize ads judiciously, prioritizing user experience over ad revenue.
    5. Be transparent with your audience about sponsorship deals and disclose affiliate links.
  • Don'ts

    1. Overload your videos with ads, which may negatively affect user experience.
    2. Sacrifice content quality or frequency solely for monetization.
    3. Ignore audience feedback on monetization methods and user experience.
    4. Rely exclusively on one revenue stream, as this could increase vulnerability to algorithm changes or policy updates.
    5. Deceive your audience by promoting irrelevant products or not disclosing sponsored content.
  1. Casey Neistat: Casey has amassed a large following on YouTube by creating high-quality, entertaining content. He balances user experience and monetization by incorporating sponsored segments into his videos without sacrificing content quality or viewer engagement.

  2. Philip DeFranco: Philip combines news reporting with commentary, effectively engaging his audience while integrating monetizable content into his videos. By utilizing sponsorships and unique ads, he maintains a balance between user experience and monetization.

  3. Relationship Between Monetization and Audience Engagement: A chart displaying the impact of different monetization strategies on average watch time, audience retention, and overall engagement.

To improve your YouTube skills and learn more about content creation, check out these online courses and educational resources.

Optimal Video Monetization Strategies

Placing Ads for Maximum Engagement and Revenue

In this section of our guide, we will discuss how to place ads within your YouTube videos for maximum engagement and revenue generation. We will cover the different types of ads, stats you should be aware of, and best practices for ad placement to optimize earnings while keeping your viewers engaged.

Ad Types

There are several ad formats available on YouTube, which include:

  1. Display ads
  2. Overlay ads
  3. Skippable video ads
  4. Non-skippable video ads
  5. Bumper ads
  6. Sponsored cards

Important Stats

  • The average viewability of YouTube ads is 95% (source
  • 70% of YouTube users skip ads, but skippable ads still contribute to your revenue (source
Best Practices for Ad Placement


  1. Experiment with different ad formats: Test various ad formats to see which ones perform the best in terms of engagement and revenue generation.

  2. Place ads at natural breaks: Viewers are more likely to engage with ads during natural breaks in your content, such as scene transitions or moments when the topic shifts.

  3. Use non-skippable ads sparingly: While these ads may generate more revenue per view, they can also lead to higher viewer drop-off rates.

  4. Leverage mid-roll ads for longer videos: If you have videos longer than 8 minutes, consider placing mid-roll ads to generate more revenue without disrupting viewer engagement too much.

  5. Consider targeted ads: Use YouTube's targeting options to display ads that are relevant to your viewers, leading to better engagement and a higher likelihood of generating revenue.


  1. Overload your video with ads: If your videos are packed with too many ads, viewers may get frustrated and leave, reducing overall watch time and revenue potential.

  2. Place ads during crucial moments: Avoid placing ads during important or intense scenes in your video, as this can be irritating to viewers and may drive them away.

  3. Rely solely on one ad type: Diversify your ad formats to see which ones work best for your content and audience.

Selecting the Right Ad Formats for Your Videos

Selecting the right ad formats for your YouTube videos is crucial in optimizing your earnings and enhancing viewer experience. YouTube offers a variety of ad formats that creators can choose from. In this section, we will discuss the different ad formats available, their effectiveness, and how to decide which format is best for your content.

Different Ad Formats

YouTube offers several ad formats that creators can use to monetize their content. These include:

  1. Display ads - Appear to the right of the feature video and above the video suggestions list.
  2. Overlay ads - Semi-transparent ads that appear on the lower 20% portion of the video.
  3. Skippable video ads - Ads that allow viewers to skip after 5 seconds.
  4. Non-skippable video ads - Ads that viewers must watch before they can view the main video.
  5. Bumper ads - Non-skippable video ads of up to 6 seconds that play before the main video.
  6. Sponsored cards - Ads that display content that is relevant to your video.
Pros and Cons of Each Ad Format

Each ad format has its own advantages and drawbacks. Here's a quick overview:

Ad Format Pros Cons
Display ads Minimal disruption to user experience Lower click-through rate (CTR) compared to other formats
Overlay ads Easily noticeable May distract viewers from the main content
Skippable video ads Viewers can choose to skip if not interested Less revenue if skipped
Non-skippable video ads Higher revenue potential as viewers must watch the ad Higher risk of annoying viewers
Bumper ads Short and minimally disruptive Limited time to convey message or call to action
Sponsored cards Relevant to the video content Limited space for ad creatives
Factors to Consider When Choosing Ad Formats

When selecting the right ad formats for your videos, consider the following factors:

  1. Content length - Videos with a longer duration can accommodate multiple ad formats (e.g., skippable video ads and sponsored cards), while shorter videos might benefit from less disruptive formats like bumper ads.
  2. Niche and relevance - Choose ad formats that complement the content of your video. Sponsored cards can be especially effective when promoting products or services related to your video's theme.
  3. Engagement and retention - Ads can affect viewer engagement and retention. Experiment with different ad formats and monitor your retention rate to strike a balance between monetization and user experience.


  • Experiment with different ad formats and track their performance.
  • Optimize your content strategy to accommodate effective ad placements.


  • Rely solely on a single ad format for monetization.
  • Overload your videos with intrusive ads, as it may drive away viewers.

YouTube Analytics and Performance Metrics

Adjusting ad parameters and settings for growth

  • On average, YouTube's display ads generate an RPM (revenue per mille) of about $0.25 - $4.00+.
  • Skippable video ads on YouTube can yield an average RPM of $2.00 - $15.00+.
  • YouTube Affiliate Marketing typically earns a commission rate of between 4% and 50% depending on the affiliate program.

To effectively adjust your ad parameters, it's important to understand the different ad types and their roles in generating revenue. These include display ads, overlay ads, sponsored cards, skippable video ads, and non-skippable video ads.


  1. Regularly review your YouTube analytics to make informed adjustments to your ad settings.
  2. Experiment with different ad types and placements to determine the best combination for your target audience.
  3. Use calls-to-action strategically in adverts to drive viewers towards your brand objectives.
  4. Enable monetization on all eligible videos.


  1. Rely solely on YouTube ad revenue for your channel's income - consider exploring other monetization methods.
  2. Overload your videos with ads, as this can negatively impact viewer engagement.
  3. Use copyrighted materials in monetized videos, as this can lead to a copyright strike.

Adjusting your ad parameters and settings can indeed be a powerful tool for growth when used correctly. For additional growth strategies, check out our article on Building and Engaging a Loyal Audience and learn how to grow your YouTube channel and get subscribers.

Analyzing ad performance on your channel

Key Metrics to Monitor

Here are the most important ad performance metrics for YouTube creators:

  • Estimated Revenue: The total amount of money earned from ads on your channel during a specific time period.

  • CPM (Cost per Thousand Impressions): The average cost for advertisers to serve 1,000 ad impressions on your channel.

  • Ad Impressions: The total number of times users saw ads on your videos during a specific time period.

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): The percentage of ad impressions that resulted in users clicking on the ads.

  • Watch Time: The total amount of time users spent watching the ads on your channel.

Analyzing Ad Performance

To analyze your ad performance, follow these steps:

  1. Access your YouTube Studio.

  2. Click on "Analytics" in the left-hand menu.

  3. Switch to the "Revenue" tab.

  4. Review the metrics and trends to understand your ad performance, including estimated revenue, CPM, ad impressions, CTR, and watch time.

Best Practices

  • Experiment with ad formats and placements: Test different ad formats (skippable, non-skippable, mid-roll) and placements to find the best combination for maximizing revenue.
  • Optimize your content for ads: Align your video content with advertiser-friendly guidelines to attract more advertisers and increase ad revenue.
  • Focus on audience demographics: Understand your audience's demographics to create content that appeals to them, as this can influence the types of ads served on your channel and the corresponding revenue.
  • Violate YouTube's policies: Avoid violating YouTube's Community Guidelines or Ad Policies, which may result in restrictions on ad placements and lower ad revenue.
  • Sacrifice viewer experience for ad revenue: Striking a balance between generating ad revenue and providing a positive viewer experience is crucial for long-term success. Avoid excessive ad placements that may annoy viewers.

Understanding and analyzing ad performance is a vital aspect of maximizing your channel's revenue potential. By leveraging YouTube Analytics and performance metrics, you can track essential data and make informed decisions to optimize your monetization strategy. Consider exploring additional resources like best tools for YouTube creators to further enhance your channel's growth and success.

YouTube Analytics and Performance Metrics

Identifying Top-Performing Videos and Strategies
Analyzing your key metrics

To identify top-performing videos, monitor and analyze key metrics such as views, likes, comments, and audience retention in your YouTube Analytics. This data will help you understand what content resonates with your audience and can inform your future content strategy.

Benchmarking against competitors

Compare your channel's performance to that of competitors or similar content creators. Doing so helps to identify trends and strategies that are effective for your niche and offers insights into their best practices.

Focus on watch time

Watch time is a crucial factor in YouTube's algorithm. High watch time and viewer retention rates signal that your content is engaging, and YouTube is more likely to promote it. You can find your videos' watch time in the YouTube Studio.

Learn from audience feedback

Ensure you pay close attention to the comments, likes, dislikes, and sharing behaviors of your audience. Use this feedback to inform your content planning and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Content optimization

Analyze the performance of your video titles, descriptions, and thumbnails. Optimizing these elements can significantly impact your video's performance. Experiment with different titles, keywords, and thumbnail designs to test what works best.

Monitor where your viewers are coming from (e.g., search, suggested videos, external websites). This information can help you discover effective strategies for promoting your content. Pay attention to any significant increases in traffic from particular sources, and consider putting more effort into those channels.

Leveraging successful strategies

When you identify what drives the success of your top-performing videos, apply these strategies to future videos. This includes, but is not limited to, video ideas, genre, production quality, format, length, and publishing time.

Focus on growth

Continuously monitor your subscriber growth and find ways to engage and retain your audience. Encourage viewers to subscribe, like, comment, and share your content.

  1. Analyze key metrics regularly
  2. Learn from competitors
  3. Optimize your video elements
  4. Experiment with new strategies
  1. Ignore audience feedback
  2. Neglect your weaker performing videos
  3. Rely solely on views count
  4. Be afraid of change

Understanding your channel's performance is essential in identifying top-performing videos and successful strategies. Analyze your data consistently and make informed decisions to continually improve your content. For more information on how to make YouTube videos, check out our online courses and educational resources.

 Photo -  YouTube Partner Program Features and Benefits

Access to YouTube Studio and Creator Academy

As a member of the YouTube Partner Program, you gain access to YouTube Studio and Creator Academy, offering a wealth of tools, resources, and educational content to help you create, manage, and optimize your YouTube channel.

YouTube Studio Features

YouTube Studio is the central hub for managing your channel, offering features such as:

  • Analytics: Track your channel performance with detailed statistics, like watch time, audience retention, CTR, and more.

  • Video Manager: Manage your video uploads, edit video details, and schedule videos for publication.

  • Channel Settings: Customize your channel's appearance and configure settings like monetization, permissions, and advanced options.

  • Dashboard: An overview of your latest video performance, channel analytics, and notifications.

  • Comments: Interact with your audience by managing, replying to, and moderating comments on your videos.

Creator Academy

The YouTube Creator Academy offers an extensive library of educational content designed to help creators navigate the platform, including courses and resources on:

By taking advantage of the features offered by YouTube Studio and the Creator Academy, you can:

  • Improve your video's search visibility with better keyword research, thumbnails, and descriptions.

  • Increase your viewership and engagement with data-driven content strategies and video optimizations.

  • Stay up-to-date on the latest YouTube policies, features, and best practices to maintain a successful and compliant channel.

  • Learn from top creators and experts who share their insights, experiences, and advice on how to build a sustainable, profitable YouTube career.

To make the most of YouTube Studio and Creator Academy, it's crucial to:

  • Regularly review your channel analytics to identify areas of improvement and growth opportunities.

  • Continuously optimize your channel and videos based on the data provided by YouTube Studio.

  • Complete relevant Creator Academy courses and stay engaged with the latest YouTube creator news.

  • Don't hesitate to seek advice from the YouTube community or experienced creators to enhance your knowledge and skills.

Overall, by leveraging the tools, resources, and educational content offered by YouTube Studio and the Creator Academy, you can unlock the full potential of your channel and effectively grow your audience.

Customization options and channel perks

The YouTube Partner Program offers a variety of customization options and channel perks that can improve your channel's performance and make it stand out.

Custom Channel URL
Custom Channel Layout

You can customize your channel layout to showcase specific sections, playlists, or featured videos.

Channel Banner and Watermark

A YouTube Partner can also access more customization options for channel art. You can create a custom banner that reflects your channel's identity and add a watermark to your videos to encourage subscribership.

Channel Perks

Being part of the YouTube Partner Program comes with several channel perks:


Enable channel memberships that allow your subscribers to pay a monthly fee for exclusive badges, emojis, and access to members-only content, such as custom live chats and video premieres.

Super Chat and Super Stickers

These features enable the audience to pay for having their messages highlighted during live chat or while watching premieres and replay live chat.

End Screen Elements

You can promote your other videos, playlists, or approved websites at the end of your videos with end screen elements.

As a YouTube Partner, you can access the advanced analytics dashboard that provides deeper insights into your channel's performance. Some of the key statistics you can track include:

  • Watch time
  • Average view duration
  • Audience retention
  • Traffic sources
  • Demographics
  • Playback locations
  • Devices

With these insights, you can make informed decisions on improving your content strategy and increase audience engagement.

  1. Leverage custom channel layout and banners to reflect your channel's brand identity.
  2. Add watermarks to encourage viewers to subscribe.
  3. Enable channel memberships to offer exclusive benefits and increase revenue.
  4. Utilize end screen elements to promote other videos and approved websites.
  5. Regularly track analytics to identify trends and improve content strategy.
  1. Don't clutter your channel with excessive customizations that might distract viewers.
  2. Don't use copyrighted or inappropriate images for channel banners or watermarks.
  3. Don't enable channel memberships if you cannot consistently deliver exclusive content.
  4. Don't add too many end screen elements, as it may overwhelm viewers.
  5. Don't ignore analytics; use them as the foundation of your content planning.

To further improve your YouTube channel, consider checking out resources for creating content for YouTube and learning how to make YouTube videos.

Monetization options Advertisements

As part of the YouTube Partner Program, creators can monetize their channels through various ad placements to generate revenue. In this section, we will explore different monetization options, how they work, and tips for maximizing ad revenue on YouTube.

Types of Advertisements

YouTube offers various ad formats to monetize content, including:

  1. Display ads
  2. Overlay ads
  3. Sponsored cards
  4. Skippable video ads
  5. Non-skippable video ads
  6. Bumper ads
  7. Mid-roll ads (available for videos over 10 minutes)

Each ad format has different requirements and implications for your viewers and revenue potential. It's crucial to understand and utilize these formats to optimize monetization and viewer experience on your channel.

Increasing Ad Revenue

To maximize ad revenue on YouTube, consider the following tips:

  1. Create content that appeals to advertisers: Ensure your videos are advertiser-friendly by avoiding sensitive topics, explicit language, and controversial themes.
  2. Experiment with ad formats: Test different ad formats on different types of content to determine which work best for your audience and generate the highest revenue.
  3. Increase watch time: Focus on creating content that keeps your audience engaged for longer durations, as watch time is a critical factor in YouTube's algorithm for determining ad placements.
  4. Optimize video titles, descriptions, and tags: Incorporate keywords for YouTube and other best practices to increase the visibility of your content, leading to more views and revenue opportunities.
  5. Avoid using copyrighted material: Read our guide on understanding and adhering to copyright laws to avoid copyright strikes and potential demonetization of your content.

When using ads as a monetization option on YouTube, it's vital to follow the platform's guidelines. Understanding the do's and don'ts will help you avoid potential issues with monetization or advertisers.


  • Always follow YouTube's Community Guidelines and Advertiser-friendly content guidelines to ensure your content is monetizable.
  • Be transparent with your audience about sponsored content, following guidelines and disclosing when content is sponsored.
  • Regularly analyze your YouTube analytics to understand which types of content and ad formats generate the most revenue for you.


Monetization Options YouTube Premium

What is YouTube Premium?

YouTube Premium is a subscription-based service offered by YouTube that allows users to enjoy ad-free viewing, access to YouTube Originals, and background playback on mobile devices, along with other benefits. A portion of the subscription fee paid by YouTube Premium subscribers is distributed to creators, making it an additional revenue stream for eligible YouTube Partners.

Premium Revenue Distribution

The YouTube Premium revenue for creators is calculated based on the watch time of their content by YouTube Premium subscribers. The more watch time your content receives from these subscribers, the higher your share of the revenue will be.

How to Maximize YouTube Premium Earnings

To maximize your earnings from YouTube Premium, consider implementing the following best practices:

  1. Create High-Quality Content: To entice viewers and keep them watching, consistently produce high-quality content that attracts and engages your audience.
  2. Promote YouTube Premium: Encourage your viewers to subscribe to YouTube Premium in order to enjoy the benefits, such as ad-free viewing and supporting creators.
  3. Monitor Your YouTube Analytics: Keep track of your earnings from YouTube Premium in your YouTube Studio dashboard to identify trends and optimize content for watch time.
  4. Collaborate with Other Creators: Boost your channel's visibility by collaborating with other YouTubers and engaging with the YouTube community.
  5. Utilize SEO Best Practices: Optimize your videos for search by using relevant keywords, creating eye-catching thumbnails, and writing effective video descriptions.


  • Do engage with your audience by replying to comments and promoting YouTube Premium benefits.
  • Do optimize your videos for search and user engagement.
  • Do monitor your earnings from YouTube Premium to understand its impact on your channel's revenue.
  • Do invest in better video production quality to improve the viewing experience for your subscribers.


  • Don't create content solely for the sake of monetization, as this may lead to a decline in viewership and engagement.
  • Don't neglect your channel's growth strategy, as YouTube Premium revenue is directly related to watch time.
  • Don't violate YouTube's community guidelines or copyright rules, as this can lead to demonetization and loss of YouTube Premium revenue.

For more detailed insights on content creation and video optimization, refer to the following resources:

Utilizing the information and best practices provided in this section will help you effectively leverage YouTube Premium as a monetization option and contribute to the overall success of your channel.

Looking for Brand Deals or Channel Strategy?

We run a platform for brand deals and an agency, helping creators derive maximum value from their content, while offering brands access to unparalleled, best-in-class research.

For Creators

  • Strategic Brand Connections
  • Outreach to Old Sponsors
  • Platform to Manage Brand Deals
  • View-Based Contract Negotiation
  • Comprehensive Channel Strategy
  • Channel/Thumbnail Optimization

For Brands

  • Tools to Shortlist Creators
  • Targeted Creator Outreach
  • Detailed Sponsorship Reports on Existing Brands
  • Platform to Manage Creator Deals
  • View-Based Deal Facilitation

For Creators

  • Strategic Brand Connections
  • Outreach to Old Sponsors
  • Platform to Manage Brand Deals
  • View-Based Contract Negotiation
  • Comprehensive Channel Strategy
  • Channel/Thumbnail Optimization

For Brands

  • Tools to Shortlist Creators
  • Targeted Creator Outreach
  • Detailed Sponsorship Reports on Existing Brands
  • Platform to Manage Creator Deals
  • View-Based Deal Facilitation

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Table of Contents

  1. Ad Types and Formats
    1. Display ads and Overlay ads
      1. Display Ads
      2. Overlay Ads
      3. Overview of YouTube Ad Types
    2. Ad Types and Formats > Skippable and Non-skippable video ads
      1. Skippable Video Ads
      2. Non-skippable Video Ads
  2. Adsense Account Setup and Management
    1. Adsense Payment Options and Thresholds
      1. Payment options
      2. Payment thresholds
    2. Adsense Account Setup and Management
      1. Creating an Adsense account for YouTube Monetization
    3. Adsense Account Setup and Management
      1. Tracking Adsense performance and earnings
  3. Complying with Rules and Guidelines
    1. Adhering to AdSense Policies and Restrictions
      1. Requirements and Restrictions
      2. Resources
    2. Avoiding Common Policy Violations and Pitfalls
      1. Copyright Infringements
      2. Inappropriate Content
      3. Misleading Metadata
      4. Spam and Deceptive Practices
      5. SubSub and Fake Engagement
  4. Eligibility and Enrollment in the YouTube Partner Program
    1. Maintaining Eligibility and Reapplication
    2. Eligibility and Enrollment in the YouTube Partner Program
    3. Eligibility and Enrollment in the YouTube Partner Program
    4. The basics of the YouTube Partner Program
    5. What is Google AdSense?
    6. Partner Program and AdSense
  5. Optimal Video Monetization Strategies
    1. Optimal Video Monetization Strategies
      1. Balancing User Experience and Monetization
      2. Optimal Video Monetization Strategies
      3. DO
      4. DON'T
  6. YouTube Analytics and Performance Metrics
    1. YouTube Analytics and Performance Metrics
      1. Adjusting ad parameters and settings for growth
    2. Analyzing ad performance on your channel
      1. Key Metrics to Monitor
      2. Analyzing Ad Performance
      3. Best Practices
      4. YouTube Analytics and Performance Metrics
      5. Customization options and channel perks
    3. Monetization options Advertisements
      1. Types of Advertisements
      2. Increasing Ad Revenue
      3. Monetization Options YouTube Premium

Work with us

We are a platform dedicated to YouTube brand deals, with an agency arm to help creators derive maximum value from their content, while offering brands access to unparalleled, best-in-class research - apply now.