YouTube Sponsorships

Finding And Securing Sponsors

Building Strong Sponsor Relationships

Communicating effectively with sponsors

  • Type of Sponsorships: According to a study, 67% of sponsorships on YouTube are product placements, 11% are sponsored reviews, and 9% are giveaways.
  • Impact of Sponsorships: 84% of consumers report making a purchase decision based on a YouTube creator's recommendation.
  • Brands' Ad Spending: Brands are expected to spend $15 billion on influencer marketing by 2022, with a significant portion dedicated to YouTube sponsorships.
  1. Respond promptly to sponsorship inquiries and maintain open lines of communication.
  2. Practice active listening and take the sponsor's goals and requirements into consideration.
  3. Be professional and respectful in both written and verbal communication.
  4. Keep sponsors informed of the progress of the sponsored content, sharing relevant milestones and updates.
  5. Offer clear explanations of policies and procedures surrounding sponsored content, disclosing any legal or ethical requirements.
  1. Exaggerate claims about the performance of previous sponsorships or potential reach of the partnership.
  2. Make unrealistic promises about the results the sponsor can expect.
  3. Be overly demanding or presumptuous about the terms of the partnership without being open to negotiation.
  4. Disregard the sponsor's feedback or concerns.
  5. Share sensitive information about the sponsor or other partners without consent.
d) Engaging Sponsors Beyond the Initial Partnership

Establishing long-term collaborations with sponsors could be more beneficial for both parties. Here are some tips for maintaining engagement:

  1. Regularly update sponsors on your channel's growth, performance, and future plans.
  2. Share successes and new sponsorships to demonstrate the value you bring to the partnership.
  3. Maintain contact and offer relevant opportunities for mutual promotion and collaboration.

For more information on improving your YouTube channel, check out our guide on how to make YouTube videos.

Building Strong Sponsor Relationships

Delivering on your promises

In the world of YouTube sponsorships, trust is crucial. For creators, being able to deliver on your promises is the key to building strong relationships with sponsors. This section will guide you through the process of fulfilling your sponsorship obligations, the importance of setting realistic expectations, and how to ensure a successful partnership.

Some interesting sponsorship statistics to consider:

  • In 2020, the influencer marketing industry was valued at around $9.7 billion, and it continues to grow rapidly (source.
  • Over 60% of companies plan to increase their influencer marketing budgets in the next 12 months (source.
  • The average engagement rate on sponsored YouTube videos is between 0.6% – 2.5%, with the highest engagement rate coming from channels with 1k-10k subscribers (source.
Importance of Delivering on Your Promises
  1. Builds trust: A creator who consistently meets their commitments is more likely to forge lasting relationships with sponsors and receive future opportunities.
  2. Maintains good reputation: Creators who consistently deliver on their promises are more likely to receive positive feedback and recommendations from sponsors.
  3. Increases sponsorship renewals: Satisfied sponsors are more likely to renew their partnerships, providing creators with a steady income stream.


  • Establish clear communication and transparency with your sponsors.
  • Set realistic expectations for both parties.
  • Track your progress and keep your sponsors informed.
  • Welcome feedback and be willing to make adjustments.
  • Be honest if you encounter obstacles that may prevent you from fulfilling your promises.


  • Overpromise and underdeliver.
  • Make commitments that you cannot keep.
  • Ignore or delay communication regarding problems that arise.
How to Ensure a Successful Partnership
  1. Set realistic expectations: Be clear about what you can and cannot do, and communicate those expectations with your sponsors.
  2. Plan ahead: Schedule the sponsored content appropriately, ensuring you have enough time to meet deadlines and produce quality content.
  3. Track progress and inform sponsors: Keep your sponsors informed of your progress by providing updates and sharing analytics.
  4. Learn from your experiences: Analyze past partnerships to identify ways you can improve your performance in future sponsorships.
  5. Seek professional development: Stay informed about the latest developments in your niche and learn how to make better YouTube videos.

Delivering on your promises is an essential factor in building strong sponsor relationships on YouTube. By setting realistic expectations, keeping lines of communication open, and focusing on creating great content, you can enhance your reputation and cultivate successful long-term partnerships.

Reporting Progress and Results


When it comes to building strong relationships with your sponsors, it's essential to keep them informed about the progress of your sponsored content and any associated results. In this section, we'll discuss the importance of reporting progress and results, share some stats and key metrics you should be tracking, and provide some dos and don'ts for effectively communicating with your sponsors.

Key Metrics to Track

To demonstrate the success of your sponsored content, you'll want to track various performance metrics. Some important metrics to consider include:

  • Views
  • Watch time
  • Audience retention
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Engagement (likes, comments, shares)
  • Subscriber growth and viewership stats
  • Conversion rates (such as product sales or sign-ups)
Creating Reports

When reporting your progress and results to sponsors, consider creating tailored reports using tables, charts, and graphs to visually represent your data. This makes it easier for sponsors to understand the success of your content and may increase the likelihood of long-term partnerships.

Campaign: [Sponsor Name] Integration Duration: [Start Date] - [End Date]

Results Snapshot:

  • Total Views: [Number]
  • Total Watch Time: [Number] hours
  • Audience Retention: [Number]%
  • Click-Through Rate: [Number]%
  • Engagement:
    • Likes: [Number]
    • Comments: [Number]
    • Shares: [Number]
  • Subscriber Growth: [Number]
  • Conversion Rate: [Number]%

[Include charts and graphs for each metric]


  • Be transparent with your sponsors: Share both the good and the bad, as this helps build trust and credibility.
  • Provide context: Explain what the metric means and why it's important.
  • Share insights and suggestions: Offer recommendations on what can be improved or any observations you've made regarding the sponsored content.
  • Be timely: Update your sponsors regularly and promptly following the end of a campaign.
  • Be professional: Use clear language and formatting in your reports.


  • Inflate numbers: Be honest with your figures; dishonesty could damage your relationship.
  • Be overly technical: Present data in an accessible way for all stakeholders.
  • Ignore questions or concerns: Always address any questions or concerns your sponsors may have. If you don't know the answer, be proactively committed to finding one.
Additional Resources

To maximize your sponsored content, consider accessing additional resources and best practices through websites for YouTube creators, such as articles, courses, and newsletters. This will enable you to stay informed on industry trends and important platform updates or changes that could impact your content and sponsor relationships.

By consistently reporting your progress and results to your sponsors, you'll foster transparency and trust, ultimately cultivating strong, long-lasting relationships that benefit both parties.

Identifying Potential Sponsors

  1. Analyzing Competitor Sponsorships

 Photo -  Identifying Potential Sponsors

Think Media's How-to
Watch Identifying Potential Sponsors Tips
Think Media

Analyzing Competitor Sponsorships

Key Factors to Consider
Competitor's Demographics and Target Audience

Understanding the demographics and target audience of your competitors can help you identify potential sponsors relevant to your own niche and audience.

Competitor A Competitor B Competitor C
Age 18-34 25-44
Gender Male Female
Interests Tech, Gaming Fashion, Beauty
Type of Sponsorships

Identify the types of sponsorships that your competitors have. This can help you understand potential sponsor categories and predict which sponsorships might be more successful among your audience.

  • Product placements
  • Sponsored videos
  • Affiliate programs
  • Endorsements
  • Cross-promotions
  • Exclusive content or discounts
Competitor's Sponsor List

Create a list of your competitor's sponsors. This can help you understand the types of companies and products that are relevant and possibly interested in partnering with similar channels.

  • Competitor A: Adobe, Amazon, Apple
  • Competitor B: Audible, Glossier, Sephora
  • Competitor C: Nike, Garmin, Fitbit


  1. Observe how your competitors incorporate sponsored content into their videos.
  2. Calculate the potential profitability of potential sponsor relationships for your own channel.
  3. Look for patterns and trends among competitor sponsorships.
  4. Keep track of your competitors and stay up-to-date with their new sponsors and sponsor-related content.


  1. Don't copy your competitor's sponsorships exactly. Instead, find ways to differentiate yourself and make unique connections with sponsors.
  2. Don't expect to obtain the same sponsorships as your competitors if your content quality, audience engagement, or subscriber count is not similar.
Useful Tools and Resources

While analyzing competitor sponsorships can be done manually, using professional tools and services can help streamline the processes and provide you with more accurate and actionable insights. With tools like best tools for YouTube creators, you can thoroughly analyze your competitors' sponsor affiliations and engagement rates.

Understanding your competitor's sponsorships can provide you with valuable insights into the types of partnerships that could work well for your own channel. Keep in mind the best practices mentioned in this section, and take advantage of the plethora of resources available to grow your YouTube channel. With time and effort, you can secure sponsorships that match your channel's brand and enhance your audience's experience.

Leveraging online platforms and services

Online Platforms and Services for Finding Sponsors
  1. Influencer Marketing Platforms: These platforms provide a database of influencers (YouTubers) and their detailed analytics, helping brands to find the right influencers for their marketing campaigns. Some popular influencer marketing platforms include FameBit, Grapevine, and Channel Pages.

  2. Brands' Websites: Many brands have a dedicated section on their website for influencers or YouTube creators to partner with them. You can find information about their sponsorship opportunities and requirements by visiting the brand's website.

  • According to a survey conducted by Mediakix, 89% of marketers find influencer marketing on YouTube to be an effective strategy (source.
  • Influencer marketing platforms like FameBit have helped YouTubers earn over $50 million in brand sponsorships (source.


  1. Do thorough research on the online platforms and services available for identifying potential sponsors.
  2. Do make use of the data and analytics provided by these platforms to identify the right sponsors for your channel.
  3. Do create a professional and impressive media kit to showcase your channel's performance and engage with potential sponsors.


  1. Don't settle for the first sponsorship opportunity that comes your way. Always research and verify the credibility of the brand and the platform you are using.
  2. Don't ignore the importance of networking with other creators and sharing insights about potential sponsors.
  3. Don't assume that using many different platforms and services will guarantee a higher success rate in securing sponsorships. It is more important to focus on the right platforms that cater to your niche and provide quality sponsorships.

Lastly, always remember that the best way to attract sponsors is by consistently producing high-quality content and maintaining an engaged audience that trusts and values your opinion. In addition, regularly updating your skills and knowledge on how to make YouTube videos will greatly contribute to your success as a YouTube creator.

Researching brands in your niche

As a YouTube creator, identifying potential sponsors in your niche is a crucial step towards monetizing your channel and building a sustainable income source. Researching brands within your niche allows you to form partnerships with companies which share a similar target audience, ultimately improving the effectiveness of your sponsored content. This section will provide a comprehensive guide consisting of the best strategies, tools, and resources to research brands in your niche and secure sponsorships.

Strategies for Researching Brands
  1. Study other channels in your niche: Analyze successful creators within your niche and identify the sponsors who are already collaborating with them. You can then tailor your research based on which of these sponsorships could be a good fit for your channel.

  2. Create a list of potential sponsors: Research brands by browsing their websites, social media profiles, and marketing materials. Some tools and websites for researching brands within your niche include Buzzsumo, Affilitizer, and

  3. Evaluate relevant brands: After creating a list, assess each brand for relevance to your niche, the size of the brand, and the extent to which they work with influencers and content creators.

  4. Identify shared values: Sponsorship opportunities are often more successful when the brand's core values or message aligns with the content creator. Take the time to understand each brand's mission statement and values to ensure a strong partnership.

  5. Use platforms to connect with brands: Sign up for platforms that help creators find sponsors, such as GrapeVine, ChannelPages, and Famebit.

Tools and Resources
  1. SocialBlueBook: This platform provides creators with a suggested sponsorship price based on their channel size, engagement, and niche.

  2. TubularLabs: TubularLabs offers analytics and insights for video optimization, audience growth, and brand partnerships.

  3. Brandsponsor: An online platform that assists creators in finding suitable brand sponsorship by matching content types and demographics.

  4. best tools for youtube creators: This list contains various tools and services that help creators with channel growth, audience engagement, and monetization.

  • Do: Focus on brands that align with your niche, target audience, and values.

  • Do: Network within your niche and learn from other creators about their experiences with sponsors.

  • Do: Thoroughly research each brand before pitching or accepting a sponsorship offer, and ensure you understand their policies and requirements.

  • Do: Leverage platforms and tools specifically designed to connect creators with sponsors.

  • Don't: Compromise your channel's integrity by promoting a brand that conflicts with your values or is irrelevant to your audience.

  • Don't: Overload your content with sponsored messages, as this may deter your audience or deter potential sponsors.

  • Don't: Be afraid to negotiate terms or payment with potential sponsors.

Researching brands in your niche is an essential step towards securing sponsorships and monetizing your YouTube channel. By thoroughly understanding the strategies, tools, and best practices, you can effectively identify potential sponsors, form valuable partnerships, and boost your income. Keep in mind that successful sponsorships often come from a genuine connection between the creator and the brand, so aligning with brands that share your values and cater to your audience is essential.

Related: Find sponsors and strategies for negotiating with brands.

Maintaining Long-Term Sponsorships

Evaluating sponsor performance

Evaluating sponsor performance is essential to maintaining long-term sponsorships. This evaluation helps you understand whether the sponsor's goals align with your content and if their presence adds value to your channel. In this section, we will explore the necessary elements to consider when assessing your sponsors.

Key performance metrics

To evaluate sponsor performance effectively, consider the following key performance metrics:

  1. Sponsorship ROI: Measure the return on investment by comparing the revenue generated from the sponsorship with the costs associated with creating sponsored content.

  2. Audience engagement: Analyze the levels of audience interaction through likes, comments, and shares on sponsored content.

  3. Sponsor referrals: Evaluate the traffic driven to the sponsor's website or product through your content.

  4. Brand alignment: Assess how well the sponsor aligns with your channel's values, target audience, and content.

  5. In 2020, YouTube creator Marques Brownlee (MKBHD) partnered with smartphone manufacturer OnePlus for a long-term sponsorship, as both brands share a passion for technology and innovation. This collaboration led to a successful sponsorship and increased brand exposure.

  6. YouTube channel Linus Tech Tips frequently works with technology companies like Intel and NVIDIA, as their products align with the channel's target audience, who are interested in tech developments and product reviews.


  1. Establish clear goals and expectations with the sponsor before starting the partnership.
  2. Communicate regularly with your sponsor to address any concerns or issues.
  3. Stay true to your content and audience, ensuring that the sponsorship aligns with your values and target viewers.
  4. Use tracking links and specific promo codes in your sponsored content, to measure the direct impact of your promotions.


  1. Don't take sponsorships from brands that don't align with your content or audience, as this may negatively impact your credibility.
  2. Don't make overly promotional content or compromise your content quality for the sponsor, as this can lead to audience disinterest or disappointment.
  3. Don't ignore or dismiss negative audience feedback related to the sponsorship, as this can damage your channel's reputation. Instead, address concerns and try to improve the sponsored content.

For more information on growing your channel and collaborating with other creators, check out our guide on YouTube collaborations and networking.

Remember, consistent evaluation and communication with your sponsor are vital to maintaining a healthy long-term partnership. By understanding their impact on your channel growth, audience engagement and alignment, you can make informed decisions about ongoing sponsor relationships.

Maintaining Long-Term Sponsorships

Expanding Sponsorship Opportunities

To sustain long-term sponsorships and revenue growth, it is crucial for YouTube creators to continuously expand their sponsorship opportunities. This section focuses on tips and strategies for creators to effectively find new partnerships, engage with existing sponsors, and diversify their income streams.

  • Over 90% of YouTube creators with more than 100,000 subscribers have at least one sponsorship deal (source
  • Sponsored videos earn 50% more revenue than regular videos (source
Identifying Potential Sponsors
  1. Research relevant brands and products that align with your channel's niche
  2. Connect with brands on platforms like Grapevine, Channel Pages, and FameBit
Engaging with Current Sponsors
  1. Regularly communicate and update sponsors on your channel's performance and growth
  2. Always disclose sponsored content in compliance with FTC guidelines
  3. Over-deliver and exceed your sponsor's expectations
Diversifying Income Streams
  1. Consider affiliate marketing for YouTube to earn commission on product sales
  2. Develop creator brands and sell merchandise
  3. Utilize Patreon or YouTube channel memberships to generate monthly recurring income


  • Understand your audience and their interests
  • Network and build relationships with brands in your niche
  • Continuously improve and innovate your content


  • Avoid promoting products or brands that clash with your channel's brand identity
  • Do not engage in deceptive advertising practices
  • Avoid prioritizing sponsored content over the needs and interests of your audience

Expanding sponsorship opportunities is an essential aspect of maintaining long-term sponsorships and growing your YouTube channel. As a creator, strive to stay informed about the latest trends and best practices for YouTube creators by reading relevant articles and websites for YouTube creators. With hard work, dedication, and continuous self-improvement, you can build strong partnerships and ensure long-lasting success on the platform.

Maintaining Long-Term Sponsorships

Renewing and renegotiating sponsorships

In this section, we will discuss the process of renewing and renegotiating sponsorships for consistent revenue and a long-lasting working relationship with the sponsor. From analyzing the performance of previous collaborations, to discussing new terms and conditions, this guide will cover it all.

Analyzing the performance of past collaborations

To renew and renegotiate sponsorships effectively, you must assess the outcomes of past collaborations. Some key performance indicators (KPIs) to consider include:

  • Return on investment (ROI) for the sponsor
  • Engagement rates on sponsored content
  • Subscriber growth
  • Changes in brand sentiment

Use platform analytics and tools to gather data and compile performance reports for each sponsored collaboration. This analysis will help identify areas of improvement and provide a baseline for negotiating future terms.

Leveraging successes

Leverage successes from previous sponsorships as evidence of the value you provide. Highlight increases in sales, traffic, or engagement that resulted from your partnership. This validation can encourage sponsors to renew or renegotiate terms that are favorable to your channel.

Setting new goals and expectations

As your channel grows, your goals and audience may change. Set new expectations and objectives for the partnership to align with your channel's current trajectory. Establish clear targets for engagement, conversions, and ROI to ensure both parties have a common understanding of success.

Renegotiation with changing market trends

Don't be afraid to ask for a higher sponsorship fee, especially if your channel has grown significantly. However, avoid setting unrealistic expectations that could potentially harm the relationship.

Exploring new avenues of collaboration

Offer new ideas or opportunities for collaboration to keep the partnership fresh and interesting. For instance, suggest hosting a live stream or producing a mini-series sponsored by the brand. This proactive approach can lead to more exciting content and strengthen your professional relationship.

Sample email template for initiating discussions

To initiate the renewal or renegotiation process, consider using the following sample email template:

Subject: Excited to explore possibilities for [YourChannelName] and [SponsorName]

Hi [SponsorContact],

I hope you're doing well! Our recent collaboration on [YourChannelName] was a great success and I appreciate the opportunity to work together.

As we approach the end of our current partnership term, I would love to discuss the prospect of renewing or renegotiating our sponsorship. I've compiled a report analyzing the performance of our previous collaborations that showcases the value my channel has brought to your brand. This report highlights key performance indicators such as engagement rates, conversions, and return on investment.

I am confident that through a continued partnership, we can achieve even greater success. I have several ideas for new projects that I believe would resonate with our audience and provide [SponsorName] with valuable exposure.

Let's schedule a call to discuss our future collaboration and potential opportunities. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,


For additional resources to support your YouTube channel growth, check out these online courses and educational resources on how to make YouTube videos.

Securing Sponsorships

Creating a compelling media kit

Channel Statistics
  • Subscribers: Clearly display the number of subscribers your channel has.
  • Average Views: Include the average number of views per video to give sponsors an idea of your reach.
  • Engagement: Highlight the average likes, comments, and shares for each video.
  • Audience demographics: Break down your audience by age, gender, and location. This information is crucial for sponsors to determine your compatibility with their target audience.
  • Watch Time: Showcase your watch time, retention rate, and click-through rates (CTR) as these stats indicate the effectiveness of your content.
  • Channel Banner: Feature your channel banner or logo to establish your brand identity.

  • Video Thumbnails: Showcase some of your best-performing video thumbnails to exhibit your visual style.

  • Viewership Growth: Display your channel's growth over time, both in terms of subscribers and views, using graphs or charts.

  • Engagement Rates: Illustrate the correlation between views and engagement rates to exhibit your content's effectiveness.

  • Testimonials: Include glowing testimonials from previous sponsors or collaborators to establish social proof.

Do's & Don'ts
  • DO make your media kit visually appealing and clean.
  • DO keep it concise and easy to digest.
  • DO ensure your media kit is updated regularly with the most recent stats and accomplishments.
  • DON'T exaggerate or manipulate your statistics. Be transparent and honest with potential sponsors.
  • DON'T clutter your media kit with unnecessary information. Stick to relevant and impactful stats and visuals.

To further enhance your YouTube content and optimize for sponsorships, consider studying how to make YouTube videos and exploring the best tools for YouTube creators.

Securing Sponsorships

How to approach sponsors

Sponsorships provide an important revenue stream for content creators, while giving sponsors access to a targeted audience. According to Business Insider, influencer marketing is set to be a $15 billion industry by 2022, showing the value of sponsorships for both creators and sponsors.

Identifying your value proposition

Before approaching sponsors, identify what makes your channel unique and valuable to them. Consider these factors:

  • Niche or target audience
  • Engagement rate or comments per video
  • Views per video
  • Growth rate
  • Overall channel subscribers


  • Do your research on the sponsor's brand, target audience, values, and goals.
  • Tailor your pitch to each individual sponsor, highlighting how your channel aligns with their brand.
  • Show your knowledge of your audience demographics and psychographics.
  • Be professional, organized, and concise in your communication.


  • Don't send a generic message to multiple sponsors; personalize each pitch.
  • Avoid exaggerating your channel's performance stats or capabilities.
  • Don't limit your proposal to just one form of partnership (e.g., product placements); consider various cooperation options.
  • Don't focus solely on your channel's subscriber count; emphasize engagement and relevance to the sponsor's target audience.
  1. MKBHD's partnership with dbrand: Marques Brownlee, a tech-focused YouTuber, often partners with dbrand, a high-quality mobile device skin manufacturer. Both brands target tech enthusiasts, creating a seamless collaboration.

  2. Simply Nailogical's partnership with Holo Taco: Christine Rotenberg, the creator of Simply Nailogical, promotes her own nail polish line, Holo Taco, in her videos. As both her content and products revolve around nail art, it's a natural fit.

Following up with potential sponsors

After sending your initial pitch or proposal, it's essential to follow up with potential sponsors. Keep track of your outreach efforts using a simple table or spreadsheet like the one below.

Company/Brand Contact Person Email Sent Follow-Up 1 Follow-Up 2 Response/Outcome
Sponsor A Jane Doe 01/01/2021 01/08/2021 01/15/2021
Sponsor B John Smith 01/01/2021 01/08/2021 Rejected

Remember that persistence and organization can pay off when approaching potential sponsors. However, avoid bombarding them with too many follow-ups; two or three is usually sufficient.

For better understanding and learning how to create engaging and successful videos, check out our guide on how to make YouTube videos.

By being strategic, purposeful, and well-prepared in your approach, you'll be poised to successfully secure sponsorships for your YouTube channel.

Pitching your value to sponsors

In this section, we will discuss how to effectively pitch your value to potential sponsors and secure lucrative partnerships to support your YouTube channel. We will cover key strategies, data insights, and best practices for persuasive pitches that highlight your channel's unique selling points.

When pitching your value to sponsors, it's essential to showcase your channel's impact and growth through relevant statistics and data. Here are key numbers to include:

  • Subscriber count: Number of subscribers is a key success metric and demonstrates the reach of your channel
  • Average view count: The average number of views per video shows the engagement and popularity of your content
  • Watch time: Total watch time supports audience retention and engagement data
  • Demographics: Share the age, gender, and geographic distribution of your audience to demonstrate the target group sponsors can reach through your channel
  • Engagement rate: Likes, comments, and shares per video highlight the active involvement of your viewer community

Unique Selling Points (USPs)

To stand out from the competition, identify and emphasize unique selling points that make your channel an attractive sponsorship opportunity:

  1. Niche content focus
  2. Strong brand identity
  3. Passionate and engaged audience
  4. Successful collaborations with other YouTubers
  5. Regular and consistent content schedule
  6. Recognizable visual style and tone
  7. High-quality video production

##|# | USP | Description | |----|----------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1 | Niche content focus | Our channel specializes in eco-friendly lifestyle tips, reaching a targeted audience | | 2 | Passionate audience | High engagement rate on videos and in comments, with viewers actively sharing content | | 3 | Strong brand identity | Consistent visual style, tone, and messaging across all videos and social media |

When pitching your value to sponsors, follow these best practices:


  • Do tailor your pitch to each sponsor, demonstrating a deep understanding of their brand and audience
  • Do offer creative ways of integrating the sponsor's product or service into your content, with specific video ideas and concepts
  • Do provide a clear call-to-action and follow-up plan to discuss the partnership further


  • Don't exaggerate your channel's performance or influence
  • Don't send generic or copy-pasted pitches to multiple sponsors
  • Don't focus solely on what the sponsor can do for you, instead highlight the mutual benefits of the partnership
  • Don't come across as desperate or overly aggressive in your pitch

Showcasing the potential earnings from sponsorships compared to other monetization methods, such as AdSense, can further persuade potential sponsors of the value in partnering with your channel.

For additional resources on growing your YouTube channel, check out this article on the best tools for YouTube creators.

 Photo -  Understanding YouTube Sponsorships

Nick Nimmin's How-to
Watch Understanding YouTube Sponsorships Tips
Nick Nimmin

Requirements for Landing Sponsorships

To successfully land sponsorships for your YouTube channel, you'll need to meet certain requirements. In this section, we'll discuss the key factors that sponsors are looking for, as well as tips and best practices for securing brand partnerships.

Grow Your Channel and Engage Your Audience

Sponsors are primarily interested in partnering with creators who have a substantial and engaged audience. Here are some important stats and benchmarks that can demonstrate your channel's value to potential sponsors:

  • Reach: Number of subscribers and average views per video
  • Engagement: Audience interactions, such as likes, comments, and shares
  • Loyalty: Percent of returning viewers and watch time of your videos

To grow your YouTube channel and boost your chances of landing sponsorships, focus on producing high-quality, relatable, and share-worthy content that resonates with your target audience.

Demonstrate Audience Demographics and Interests

Sponsors want to ensure that your audience demographics align with their target customer base. Be prepared to provide potential sponsors with the following information:

  • Gender and age distribution
  • Geographic location
  • Interests and hobbies

You can find these statistics in your YouTube Analytics dashboard.

Maintain a Professional and Consistent Brand Image

Your channel's brand image should be professional, consistent, and align with the values of potential sponsors. Components of a solid brand image include:

  • Profile and banner images
  • Thumbnails
  • Video intros and outros
  • Channel layout and organization
  • Social media presence

Remember to keep your public image in mind when interacting with your audience, both on YouTube and other platforms.

Follow YouTube's Guidelines and Avoid Controversial Content

To avoid jeopardizing your chances at landing sponsorships, be sure to follow YouTube's guidelines and avoid creating content that could be deemed controversial or offensive by sponsors.

Leverage Collaboration Opportunities

Collaborating with other YouTubers can be a great way to grow your channel and increase sponsorship opportunities. You can find potential collaborators by joining YouTube creator communities, attending events, and networking within your niche.

Target Relevant Sponsors

Lastly, be strategic when reaching out to potential sponsors. Aim to partner with brands that resonate with your audience and complement the content you create. Research the brands you are interested in and make individualized pitches that demonstrate the value of partnering with your channel.

By following these guidelines, increasing brand appeal, and understanding the requirements for landing sponsorships, you can maximize your chances of securing successful partnerships and monetizing your YouTube content. For even more information on finding and securing sponsors, check out our article on how to find sponsors.

Sponsorships offer several benefits for creators, making it an essential aspect of a successful YouTube career. The benefits include financial support, increased credibility, access to resources, and potential for long-term partnerships.

Financial support

Sponsorships provide creators with a source of income outside of YouTube's monetization and AdSense. This financial support can enable creators to improve their content quality, invest in better production equipment, and dedicate more time to their channel.

Increased credibility

When a brand sponsors a YouTube creator, it implies that the brand finds value in the creator's content and audience. This association can help boost a creator's credibility and authority in their niche, leading to growth in their channel and attracting more viewers.

Access to resources

Sponsored creators often have access to the sponsoring brand's resources, such as products, software, or expertise. These resources can help creators improve their content, grow their skills, and better cater to their audience's needs.

Long-term partnerships

Sponsorships can lead to long-term partnerships with brands, which could result in consistent income, more significant opportunities, and wider exposure for the creator's YouTube channel.

Tips for securing sponsorships
  • Develop quality content and grow a loyal audience.
  • Maintain a professional online presence and make it easy for brands to contact you.
  • Research potential sponsors in your niche and reach out to them with a tailored pitch.
  • Create a media kit that showcases your channel's stats and demographics.
  • Be open to collaborating with other creators for cross-promotion opportunities.
  • Attend industry events to network with potential sponsors and increase your exposure.


  • Always disclose sponsored content according to FTC guidelines and YouTube's ad policy.
  • Maintain your authenticity and only work with brands that align with your values and audience's interests.
  • Be transparent with your audience about sponsored content and collaborations.


  • Don't spam your viewers with excessive sponsored content.
  • Don't accept sponsorships from brands that could harm your channel's reputation or alienate your audience.

By understanding the benefits of YouTube sponsorships and implementing best practices, creators can leverage these opportunities to grow their channels, improve their content, and establish lasting partnerships with brands. To learn more about the different methods of online monetization, check out other resources like how to make YouTube videos and strategies for growing your YouTube channel.

Types of sponsorships and brand deals


In the world of YouTube, sponsorships and brand deals are essential ways for creators to generate income and grow their channels. Understanding the different types of sponsorships and brand deals is crucial for both creators and brands looking to collaborate. In this section, we will cover various forms of sponsorships and brand deals that creators can leverage to maximize their success on YouTube.

Affiliate Sponsorships

In an affiliate sponsorship, creators promote a brand or product and receive a commission for every sale made through their unique referral link or code. This type of sponsorship can be lucrative for creators with a large and engaged audience.

Product Placements

Product placements involve showcasing a brand's product within a video. This type of sponsorship can appear very organic, as creators can use, wear, or discuss the product in a natural way.

Integrated Sponsorships

In integrated sponsorships, the brand's message or product is woven into the content of the video. This type of deal feels more authentic and offers great value for both creators and brands, as the content is tailored to showcase the product or service.

Dedicated Videos

Dedicated videos are focused solely on promoting a brand or product. They typically involve reviews, promotional offers, or showcasing a specific product or service. These deals can be highly lucrative for creators due to the exclusive focus on the brand.

Sponsorships and brand deals are significant revenue sources for YouTube creators. According to a study by Grapevine, 80% of creators believe that sponsored content is the primary way to monetize their channels, and 70% of creators have worked on sponsored content in the past six months.

  1. Disclose sponsored content: Transparency is essential in maintaining trust with your audience. Always acknowledge any sponsorships and brand deals in your videos.

  2. Choose brands and products that align with your channel: Collaborate with brands that share your values and are relevant to your content and target audience.

  3. Be honest and authentic: Offer genuine opinions and experiences with the product or service, even if it’s a sponsored deal.

  1. Overload your channel with sponsored content: Keep a balance between sponsored and non-sponsored content to maintain authenticity and credibility with your audience.

  2. Promote products or services you don't believe in or haven't tried: Only recommend products or services that you genuinely endorse or have used.

  3. Forget to negotiate with brands: Always negotiate with brands to ensure you're getting the best possible deal for your work.

  4. Peter McKinnon regularly partners with brands like Canon, Adobe, and Epidemic Sound, integrating their products and services into his photography and videography tutorials.

  5. The popular tech channel MKBHD frequently collaborates with brands like dbrand, OnePlus, and LG on product reviews and giveaways.

Understanding the various types of sponsorships and brand deals available to YouTube creators is crucial for maximizing success and income on the platform. By choosing the right partnerships and maintaining authenticity and transparency, creators can develop strong and lasting relationships with brands while continuing to grow their channels.

For more information and resources for YouTube creators, check out our comprehensive guide on best channels, websites, and newsletters for YouTube creator news.

Looking for Brand Deals or Channel Strategy?

We run a platform for brand deals and an agency, helping creators derive maximum value from their content, while offering brands access to unparalleled, best-in-class research.

For Creators

  • Strategic Brand Connections
  • Outreach to Old Sponsors
  • Platform to Manage Brand Deals
  • View-Based Contract Negotiation
  • Comprehensive Channel Strategy
  • Channel/Thumbnail Optimization

For Brands

  • Tools to Shortlist Creators
  • Targeted Creator Outreach
  • Detailed Sponsorship Reports on Existing Brands
  • Platform to Manage Creator Deals
  • View-Based Deal Facilitation

For Creators

  • Strategic Brand Connections
  • Outreach to Old Sponsors
  • Platform to Manage Brand Deals
  • View-Based Contract Negotiation
  • Comprehensive Channel Strategy
  • Channel/Thumbnail Optimization

For Brands

  • Tools to Shortlist Creators
  • Targeted Creator Outreach
  • Detailed Sponsorship Reports on Existing Brands
  • Platform to Manage Creator Deals
  • View-Based Deal Facilitation

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