Spencer Cornelia
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Spencer Cornelia is a YouTuber known for uncovering truths unseen by the public, primarily focusing on scammers in various industries. He originally started his YouTube channel in 2015 with fitness content, later shifting focus to cover unethical business practices, fake gurus, and bad investment schemes.

Spencer has a background in real estate, starting his investment journey in 2016 with a condo in Las Vegas. He has since been involved in flipping houses, managing an Airbnb, and holding several single-family houses. Based in the United States, he also has experience working in the tech sector.

Recent sponsors include NordVPN, factormeals, ridgellp, JoinKudos and Established Titles. You can request access to our brand deal research below for a complete report.

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NordVPNfactormealsridgellpEstablished Titles
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