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About Brand

Filo is an online tutoring platform offering instant, 24/7 one-to-one live video sessions with expert tutors. Key features include the ability to connect to a tutor within 60 seconds, a user base of 3.5 million+ happy students, and over 60,000 expert tutors.

Filo has received multiple awards such as Google Play's User’s Choice App Award 2022 for Best Personal Growth, Amazon's Job Creator of the Year 2022, and the Best Education Startup at the Entrepreneur Awards 2022. Their core values include Trust, Innovation, Freedom, Transparency, and Passion. The platform supports iOS, Android, and all major browsers, emphasizing a strong commitment to making learning experiences better and more accessible. findfilo is tagged under Education.

Recent brand deals include Ecaterina Kate, Improvement Pill, GetsetflySCIENCE, thebeekid and BLUE BOX. You can request access to our brand deal research below for a complete report.

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Improvement PillGetsetflySCIENCE
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