Quei Due Sul Gaming, also known as QDSG, features Nicola Palmieri and Mario Palladino, known for their passion for video games, technology, and experimentation. The channel offers a variety of entertainment, exclusive formats, and refined gameplay focusing on current popular games.
Their premium series includes 'Kingdom Come Deliverance.' Over 10 years on YouTube, they have developed a multiverse of content, including QDSS (Quei Due Sul Server) and QDSR (Quei Due Sul Rilax), showcasing a diverse range of genres like RPGs, shooters, cooperative games, indie, soulslike, and horror games. Quei Due Sul Gaming is tagged under video games.
Recent sponsors include FearlightGames, WorldOfWarships, NordVPN and FsMinerYTB. You can request access to our brand deal research below for a complete report.