Eatyourkimchi Studio, created by Canadian expatriates Simon Stawski and Martina Sazunic, started in 2008 focusing on life in South Korea. It featured content about food, cultural differences, and popular media.
The channel evolved over time, becoming 'Eat Your Sushi' after moving to Tokyo, Japan in 2016. In 2020, the duo separated, with Martina starting 'King Kogi' and Simon pursuing personal projects in Lisbon, Portugal. The channel has over 1.2M subscribers, with a viewership predominantly in Japan and Portugal, appealing to audiences interested in lifestyle, food, and cultural experiences. Eatyourkimchi Studio is tagged under Lifestyle.
Recent sponsors include tradecoffeeco, nikunoiijima, mimaruhotels, squarespace and tabelog. You can request access to our brand deal research below for a complete report.