Daily Bumps
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Daily Bumps, featuring the Lanning family, has been creating YouTube content for over 10 years. The channel focuses on vlogging their unique family lifestyle, travels, and fun activities.

Bryan Lanning is a country music singer/songwriter with songs often inspired by his family. Missy Lanning, known for her passion for animals and baking, is celebrated as a devoted mom. Their children, Ollie and Finn, along with their baby sister Brielle, add dynamic and engaging content to the channel.

Their content ranges from family adventures, parenting experiences, to music and entertainment, appealing to a wide family-oriented audience. Daily Bumps is tagged under Family Vlogs.

Recent sponsors include circledna, WeAreGelBlaster, genvideo, getbutcherbox and adaptedmind. You can request access to our brand deal research below for a complete report.

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